Friday, 11 May 2012


Latest Mtn Browsing Cheat MAY 11 2012(unlimited mtn data plan for just #1500,free to download,streams online videos and powers all ur apps,works with all sort of mtn modem and any universal modem or any of ur unlock modem) MTN FREE BROWSING CHEAT FOR PC THIS IS THE LATEST MTN CHEAT FOR FREE BROWSING,NO SOFTWARE REQUIRED...ALL YOU NEED IS A LITTLE SETTINGS WHICH YOU YOUSELF WILL DO IN YOUR MTN FASTLINK..OPENS ALL SITE WITH THE SPEED OF LIGHT...I SWEAR ITS ABSOLUTE THE BEST EVER.... Do you know you can as well use use #1500 for unlimited mtn browsing 24hrs for a whole month???? Insted of the usually #8000 per are doubting if its possible???well i say a try will sure convince you.. You can as well use it with your universal modem.very fast and realible... You need to know that many of my client are already enjoying pls what are you waitin for...???? ok..let me give you some features 1)you sure will browse for just #1500 using mtn or #1400 using Airtel for a solid good month 2)brows with the speed of light if you are under any 3g ntw 3)it is unlimited for a month 4)no down time at all 5)powers all your apps,yahoo mseger,or using it to update you anti virus.... 6) powers you skyp... 7)download unlimitedly 8)stream the world of online videos All this and many more for just #1500 using mtn or #1400 using aitel 7)no software required...just you and your moderm How do i get it on my pc???? Pay in just #1000 to the accnt below.or a recharge card of #1200 to 08066411455 To get the settings....pls money back sure can post here for all to see if it dosnt works for you....but i assure you it works like jet....once payment is made send your name and teller number including you email address to 08066411455........ Accnt name: FANE MATHEW KEYSTONE Bank : Accnt no: 6001214307 PLS ONCE PAYMENT IS DONE SEND ME YOUR TELLER NO.AND THE SENDER NAME AND YOUR EMAIL TO 08066411455..INSTANTLY I WILL SEND THE PACKAGE TO me directly if you have any question.....08066411455 Proudly FANE MATHEW

Thursday, 3 May 2012